Key Note Speaker

Wir freuen uns, u. a. folgende international renommierte Referenten/innen in ausgewählten Sitzungen des Kongresses begrüßen zu dürfen.

Prof. Dr. Stefan Wrobel

Prof-Wrobel.jpegProf. Dr. Stefan Wrobelis Professor of Computer Science at University of Bonn and Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS. In addition, he is the managing director of the Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (b-it) and one of the two spokespersons of the National Competence Center Machine Learning Rhine- Ruhr (ML2R). Professor Wrobel’s work is focused on the methods, algorithms and engineering of intelligent systems and their reliable and trustworthy deployment in practice in areas ranging from business to medicine. He is the author of a large number of publications on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning and is on the Editorial Board of several leading academic journals in his field. He was honored by the German Computer Science Society GI as one of the formative minds in German AI.

Vortragstitel: KI-Projekt Smart Hospital NRW
In der Plenarsitzung am Freitag, 1.10.2021 in der Zeit von 18:50-19:30 Uhr

PD Dr. med. Özlem Türeci

Türeci Ozlem1.jpgPD Dr. med. Özlem Türeci kam 2008 als Mitglied des klinischen und wissenschaftlichen Beirats zu BioNTech, bevor sie 2018 zur medizinischen Geschäftsführerin (CMO) ernannt wurde. Dr. Türeci war 2001 Mitgründerin von Ganymed Pharmaceuticals (heute Tochtergesellschaft von Astellas Pharma Inc.), wo sie 2008 die Funktion des Chief Executive Officers (CEO) übernahm. Dr. Türeci ist Vorsitzende und Mitinitiatorin der gemeinnützigen Organisation Ci3 (Clusterinitiative für Individualisierte Immunintervention) sowie Vorstandsmitglied der Association for Cancer Immunotherapy (CIMT). Dr. Türeci promovierte an der Medizinischen Fakultät des Saarlandes in Homburg. Sie ist verheiratet mit Prof. Dr. Ugur Sahin.

Vortragstitel: RNA-Vakzine – von der Tumortherapie zur COVID19-Protektion
In der Plenarsitzung am Samstag, 2.10.2021 in der Zeit von 10:30-11:30 Uhr

Prof. Dr. Bernd Bodenmiller

160607_BodenmillerBerndPortrait.jpgProf. Dr. Bernd Bodenmiller is a quantitative biologist who develops novel experimental and computational approaches for the quantitative analysis of tumor ecosystems to improve our understanding of the mechanisms of tumor development. He is the founding director of the Department of Quantitative Biomedicine (DQBM) at the University of Zurich, which fosters research and education at the interface of biomedical research, biotechnology, and computational biology. Prof. Bodenmiller obtained his PhD in the group of Ruedi Aebersold at ETH Zürich. For his postdoctoral training, he joined the laboratory of Garry P. Nolan at Stanford University. In 2012, he became a group leader and in 2013 an SNF/ERC assistant professor at the University of Zürich. In 2019, he was tenured and became the founding director of the DQBM. In October 2020 Prof. Bodenmiller has been appointed as Dual Professor for Quantitative Biomedicine at the UZH and at ETH Zurich. His group pioneered the development of imaging mass cytometry, an approach that enables simultaneously imaging of over 40 proteins and transcripts in tumor tissues.

Vortragstitel: Highly multiplexed imaging for precision medicine applications in cancer
In der Plenarsitzung am Montag, 4.10.2021 in der Zeit von 10:30-11:30 Uhr